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How to Update to the New Twitter Design in 4 Easy Steps


In a surprise move a new Twitter design for all profile pages was just launched. It features a header image similar to Facebook’s Timeline cover photo. We highly recommend updating your profile to this new design for 3 reasons:

  1. To make sure all of your online profiles are consistent with your branding.
  2. To ensure that your Twitter profile page is as compelling as possible and will attract followers who will be interested in your content.
  3. Most Important - the new Twitter design is optimized for mobile devices!

Why is Mobile so important?

  • As of June 2012, Americans own 110 million smartphones.  That’s means that 1 out of every 3 American consumers are using the web on a phone (and that number does not include tablet computers such as the iPad).
  • By 2015, mobile web search will eclipse desktop web searches for the first time. This means that your customer’s primary way of interacting with your brand online will be through a mobile device. If you’ve looked at your website on a smartphone or tablet recently you may have realized it’s time to create a mobile website for optimum online visibility (see Why Your Business Needs A Mobile Website).

Here’s how most Twitter profile pages appear right now:

Here’s what an updated Twitter profile page looks like:

Here’s what the new Twitter design looks like on a mobile device:

Here’s how to update your Twitter profile in 4 easy steps:

1) Log in to Twitter. (You’ll notice the new “Me” tab). Click on the gear icon on the top right, and then scroll down to “Settings.” 

2) Once in “Settings” click on “Design” to see the following screen: 

3) Scroll down to where it says “Customize Your Own.” You will see a new option for “Header.” Next to “Header” it says the recommended photo dimensions are 1200 pixels by 600 pixels. Images smaller than 600 pixels in height appear distorted and stretched so we recommend you use an image as close to the suggested dimensions as possible. 

4) Click “Change Header” and upload your chosen image. Here are some tips:

  • The photo you choose should be consistent with your online branding.
  • Dark colors towards the bottom of the image work better since your Twitter description will appear in white text, and your Twitter profile picture will appear in the center towards the top.
  • Use the bar underneath the image to increase or decrease the size of the image:

Click “Save” and that’s it! If you’re happy with how your picture appears on your profile, you’re all set.

Don’t have the time to update the new Twitter design yourself? Be Visible will take care of it for you and do a great job. (Special rate through 10/15/12@) Interested? Contact Us.

Sources for this article:


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