Just Ask Betsy....The Be Visible Blog

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Simply Put: Why People Love Facebook

We love Facebook because it makes it easier to share information with more people at the same time than any other tool we have. Why is that so revolutionary?

Because a family photo, an event you’re attending, an accomplishment you’re proud of, something that drives you crazy, your latest purchase, the song you’re listening to, the meal you’ve cooked, the photo you’ve taken, the news story you find interesting, the cause you’re involved in, the day you’ve had…now can be shared with everyone you’re connected to, instantaneously.

Nowhere else is that possible. Not by email, not by text, not by chat. Nowhere.

And, this is the key: after a while, it feels weird to do anything without sharing it with your audience of family, friends, co-workers, classmates, friends of friends, etc.

That’s what makes Facebook so powerful. 500-million-people powerful. What the founders have tapped into, albeit accidentally is: humans are natural performers….we crave attention from the minute we’re born.

So, if you are wondering why Facebook is such a hot topic, now you know. But you already knew that, right? (Please share this article!)

Next: Why Businesses Love Facebook

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Tweets that mention Why People Love Facebook | Just Ask Betsy -- Topsy.com Says:

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Betsy Kent and Betsy Kent, Michael Sinkin, DDS. Michael Sinkin, DDS said: RT @bevisible Why People Love Facebook | Just Ask Betsy http://bit.ly/cUPgRt [...]

Simply Put: Why Business (Should) Love Facebook | Just Ask Betsy Says:

[...] Simply Put: Why People Love Facebook Share and [...]

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