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Posts Tagged ‘Facebook Pages’

How to Change the Order of Facebook Page Tabs

The new Facebook Business Pages layouts are now the only layout available. If you had not upgraded your Page until now, you may be dismayed to wake up this morning and find that it was updated for you!

So, there are a lot of places on the web where you can get help and information about all the new changes, including the new Photo Strip (I wrote a blog about how to deal with it here), updates visibility, and more.

Thanks to a lot of really smart people out there blogging and posting, I have been able to configure most of the Pages I manage pretty easily. But I just couldn’t figure out how to change the order of the tabs, which are now listed on the left hand side of the page.

All the information I gleaned from Facebook’s help sections, blogs and forums kept saying that all I needed to do is to drag and drop the tab titles while logged in as an admin. But it didn’t work!

So, then I discovered that you can only rearrange tabs if you have 7 tabs or more. So, for one of my accounts, I had 7:

1. Wall

2. Info

3. Photos

4. Coupon

5. Sweeps

6. Like Us!

7. Recipe

But I still couldn’t move them around!

Then, the light bulb went off! You need 7 tabs IN ADDITION to “Wall” and “Info” (which you can’t move).


I added ‘Discussions” and “Video” (two tabs I’m not using right now) and voila! I can now drag and drop the tabs! The ones that I’m not currently using are hidden unless someone clicks “More”.

Here’s what it looks like now:

So all I have to do is click “More” then “Edit” and I can move them around.

Note: only tabs created with iFrames can have little favicons, so we are rebuilding all our FBML pages so our list can look really great.

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to write!

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Posted in Facebook | 4 Comments »

March 10th, 2011

Simply Put: How to Really Use Facebook Page Insights

With Facebook Business Pages, unless you are running ads, you don’t get a ton of data to work with. However, Facebook is starting to deliver more analytics (called Insights) on status updates for Page owners. Here are some tips on how to use them:

Create an Editorial Calendar: Since I recommend that brands and businesses shouldn’t post Facebook updates more than once per day, it’s pretty easy to create a calendar.I usually plan updates 1-2 weeks in advance. That gives me something to post every day without having to create updates on the fly, but it’s a short enough time to be able to react to something in the news, great content I may find, or changes in the business.

Expand the Editorial Calendar into a spreadsheet. Your spreadsheet should contain these columns:


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Posted in Facebook, Social Media | 2 Comments »

August 16th, 2010

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