
Posts Tagged ‘internet marketing articles’

Internet Marketing helps businesses survive economic crisis

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January 26th, 2009

It’s hard to ignore all the bad news out there. But two recent articles tell me that not only am I in the right place but that my clients are, too.

From the New York Times:
Most retailers, online and offline, appear to be feeling the pain from the rotten economy. But, of course, even in bad times, some businesses manage to do well. Take Raymond Galeotti, the owner and president of, a five-year-old online seller of sterling silver jewelry. Mr. Galeotti said his business, whose annual sales are approximately $10 million, is up about 25 percent this holiday season.

From Businessweek:
Why Online Ads Are Weathering the Recession
In most media, 2009 will bring unkind cuts, and Madison Avenue will never be the same. But Internet advertising seems to be holding up.

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