4 Reasons Why Blogging Is Free Advertising For Your Business

June 24, 2014 by Betsy Kent in Blogging, Google

Of all the marketing tactics that I’ve used over the years for my own business and for my clients, blogging has by far proven to be the most effective. But at the beginning, to many of my clients, the mere idea of writing a blog seems like an impossible task. But once I answer the [...]

What Is Search Engine Optimization?

January 22, 2014 by Betsy Kent in Google, SEO / SEM

If you own a website you have probably heard the phrase Search Engine Optimization (or SEO). According the dictionary, SEO is “the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.” Rare is a website owner [...]

3 Ways That Google Keeps You Using Google

January 5, 2014 by Betsy Kent in Google, Search Engines

Many people don’t really know what a search engine is, but they use one every day, often multiple times a day. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are the most popular search engines in the U.S., but Google has the edge, by far. Over 67% of us choose Google and most of us don’t even think about [...]

A Case For Looking At Google Plus Again

October 2, 2013 by Betsy Kent in Google, Social Media

In 2011 when Google launched it’s own Social Media/Micro-blogging site, Google Plus (or Google+) many of my colleagues proclaimed that they were going to shut down their blogs, turn their backs on other Social Media platforms, and put all their energy into it. That’s how excited they were about it. In 2013, the general consensus is [...]

Bing For Schools - 3 Reasons It’s Brilliant

September 11, 2013 by Betsy Kent in SEO / SEM

Last night I saw a commercial for Bing For Schools. I don’t know if you saw it, too, but it ran before the president’s speech about Syria. Let me tell you why I think it’s a brilliant concept. Microsoft’s search engine, Bing, has never been able to gain a significant share of search because users have [...]

Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Website

June 27, 2012 by Betsy Kent in Local Search Marketing, Mobile Websites

Have you looked at your company’s website on a smartphone or tablet lately? Chances are you may find that the experience is, well, not very good. You’d be hard pressed to find a business these days that doesn’t have some kind of website (unlike 5 years ago when I started in this industry), but invariably [...]

From #BeHere to Be Visible

June 12, 2012 by Betsy Kent in Local Search Marketing

I’ve been employed at Be Visible Associates as a digital media strategist since March 1st of this year. This post is about how I came from small-town Delaware and with the advent of Social Media was able to help grow businesses. Go back in time a little bit to a conversation with my father who runs [...]

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs To Be On Google+

April 7, 2012 by Betsy Kent in Google, SEO / SEM

Google+ is Social Media’s sleeping giant. Claiming over 100 million users, this Google product is quickly being integrated into every aspect of Google’s service offerings – from search to Gmail to Google Places and everything in between. Yet lots of users still perceive Google+ as a ghost town, citing that their friends aren’t there to [...]

The New Google Analytics

November 17, 2011 by Betsy Kent in SEO / SEM

Anyone who works with me knows that I love analytics. Messing around on Google Analytics is what I think is fun. But up until now the data from Google Analytics left a lot of stones unturned. Google announced today that they are unrolling a new Google Analytics platform that promises to be really effective at [...]

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