New Study: Stop Using Images On Facebook?

Photo fr. Flickr


It’s hard to believe that 2015 is already half over. Time flies, especially in the world on online marketing. Every time you turn around something changes, right?


It’s my mission to keep you informed, so here’s the latest Facebook For Business news you can use:


Last year everyone read that the best way to get better organic reach and fan engagement on Facebook was to use images. So, we all jumped on and started posting images on Facebook! We found great (free) photos and artwork online and perhaps added some effects or text using Everything was fine, right? Now that seems to have changed! A recent study by Social Bakers indicates that image posts are no longer working so well.


Social Bakers’ study indicates that on Facebook pages, images are now getting the lowest organic impressions!



Yes, you read it right. Images are not working as well as they did just a few months ago! So what is working? Text posts with links and text-only posts seem to be out-performing image posts. And video posts are preferred over all of them!





Before you drag all your beautiful images into the trash, first check your Facebook analytics. What’s trending on your business page may not fit the norm. Get your Facebook analytics by clicking “Insights” at the top of your business page. And remember, quality trumps everything! Don’t throw junk on your page in order to just test this theory.



I recommend testing any new effort before you throw everything into it. But I can happily report that it’s faster and easier to set up text posts than image posts, and that’s a good thing for us time-strapped marketers.


Don’t be scared of video. It can be really fun and really easy! Check out my video post today. It took me less than 45 minutes to record and post.


I’d love to hear what’s happening with your Facebook page. Add your two cents below:


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For more tips How To Improve Facebook Organic Reach, check out Social Media Examiner’s recent post here.




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