Tag: Networking

Don’t Forget About LinkedIn – 3 Steps to Get your Profile Up to Date

November 8, 2010 by Betsy Kent in LinkedIn

It’s so easy these days to get jazzed about all the new social networking platforms there are out there. From Facebook to Google, changes are being made that enable companies and brands to reach their market in new and awesome ways. However, when it comes to your business profile, there is nothing more effective than LinkedIn. [...]

Chris Brogan, Small Talk, and Me

November 8, 2009 by Betsy Kent in Social Media

Today Chris Brogan, one of my favorite people, posted a short video called “Small Talk is Big.” It’s about the rewards that you get from showing interest in the people you meet every day. I totally agree with him. I’ve met Chris and he’s a natural. His genuine interest in people shows through in everything [...]

Managing your Social Media Time: Six Hours per Week

April 22, 2009 by Betsy Kent in Social Media

Lately I have been speaking to groups of entrepreneurs about Social Media. Once I finish explaining the benefits of using LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Blogging, I take questions. In every case, my audiences’ biggest concern is that Social Media will become a huge “time drain” for them. And, I can totally understand their worry. However, [...]

Getting Back to Basics: Blogging, Tweeting, etc.

April 14, 2009 by Betsy Kent in Blogging, Social Media, Twitter

If you Blog, if you use Twitter, if you use Facebook and LinkedIn, you know how easy it is to lose your direction in the maze of information coming in. And, what to say, how to add to the conversation, what’s the best way to be a part of it? If you are anything like [...]

Twart Tweeting!

March 5, 2009 by Betsy Kent in Twitter

  If you are a business person and you use the Web, you are probably 1. using Twitter 2. wondering about Twitter 3. trying to ignore Twitter 4. scared of Twitter This week I’ve had the privilege of talking to groups of business people about Twitter and its value to their businesses. Everyone seemed to fit into categories 2 [...]

4 simple, easy, free and fun things you need to do for your business right now!

October 30, 2008 by Betsy Kent in Social Media

I am helping my friend and colleage Elizabeth Beskin of Fifth Avenue Digital get ready for the annual BizBash Event StyleExpo on Wednesday here in NYC. She is gong to be speaking to a group of event planning professionals about how they can use Social Networking to help build website traffic and credibility with Search [...]